The Kettlebell Complex

Here at Contemporary Athlete, the Kettlebell is used frequently not because of any growing trend or fad but because of its sheer versatility. I am a minimalist at heart so cluttering the most important thing the CA has, which is wide-open space makes me sad. So we swing them, lift them, push them, pull them, drag them, throw them, carry them, crawl with them, use them as door stops, on occasion even give them away as gifts.

One of my favorite quick, yet brutal, and results driven workouts is this kettlebell complex. If all I have is 30 minutes to fit my personal workout in that day in between groups and clients, and I want to get a great full body muscle screaming burn on and cover my aerobic conditioning this is almost always the first thing I reach for in my bag of tricks.

Here is how it works:

Work your way up to a kettlebell 1/3 your bodyweight

(Ex. 180 lbs. person – 60 lbs. KB)

Use a good low swing for double and single hand transitions so as you don’t break your swing rhythm as you work through the complex.

10 x reps of each stage:

Two handed swing

Single arm swing (Left side)

Single arm swing (Right side)

Single arm rack (Left Side)

Single arm rack (Right Side)

Single arm Snatch (Left side)

Single arm Snatch (Right side)

Single arm Rack (Left Side)

Single arm rack (Right Side)

Single arm swing (Left side)

Single arm swing (Right side)

Two handed swing

Rest half the time it takes to do the full sequence. I personally like to pair it with an abdominal exercise. As I generally consider abs a good place to get in active rest.

The Goal is 5 full cycles in less than 30 minutes.  Start with 3 cycles

Build up to it and be smart! Hurt athletes do not compete very well. Know your limits and Swing on Ninjas!